Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283

Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283

Dubin Industrial District, Hanjiang – ??? – 华南13666935270Facebook
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??? (华南) - 圣何塞 (哥斯达黎加)??? (华南) - 行业4.0 (中国 - 非洲)
??? (华南) - 墨西哥城市 (墨西哥)??? (华南) - 一带一路 (协调路线)
??? (华南) - 特拉维夫 (以色列)??? (华南) - 非洲 4.0 (洲)
??? (华南) - 马德里 (西班牙)??? (华南) - 东盟 (亚洲集团)
??? (华南) - 哈瓦那 (古巴)??? (华南) - 空气 (协调交通)
??? (华南) - 世界 4.0 (世界)??? (华南) - 安平县 (中国, 渤海湾)
??? (华南) - 自制能量 (特设能源)??? (华南) - 新加坡城市 (新加坡)
??? (华南) - 安第斯共同体 (美国块)??? (华南) - 卡萨布兰卡 (摩洛哥)
??? (华南) - 中欧自由贸易协定 (欧洲块)??? (华南) - 深圳 (中国,广东)
??? (华南) - 太平洋岛国论坛 (经济集团)??? (华南) - 马尼拉 (菲律宾)
??? (华南) - 迈阿密 (美国, 东海岸)??? (华南) - 东非共同体 (非洲块)
??? (华南) - 海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会 (阿拉伯集团)??? (华南) - 新德里 (印)
??? (华南) - 波哥大 (哥伦比亚)??? (华南) - 蒙得维的亚 (乌拉圭)

Diesel Fuel Injector Nozzles Introduction
Design of the diesel fuel injector nozzle is critical to the performance and emissions of modern diesel engines. Some of the important injector nozzle design parameters include details of the injector seat, the injector sac and nozzle hole size and shape. These features not only affect the combustion characteristics of the diesel engine, they can also affect the stability of the emissions and performance over the lifetime of the engine and the mechanical durability of the injector.
All nozzles must produce a fuel spray that meets the requirements of the performance and emissions goals of the market for which the engine is produced regardless of details of the fuel system design (i.e., regardless if the fuel system is of the common rail, unit injector, unit pump or pump-line-nozzle type). Additionally, specific requirements for injection nozzles can also depend on the fuel system type :
• Common rail-nozzle operates under more demanding tribological conditions and must be better designed to prevent leakage.
• Unit injector/unit pump-pressure pulsing conditions create more demanding fatigue strength requirements.
• Pump-line-nozzle-hydraulic dead volume must be minimized.

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About the company

China-Lutong Parts Plant

Activity: China-Lutong Parts Plant

China-Lutong Parts Plant

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Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283Auto fuel nozzle Bosch Injector Nozzle for Nissan - Diesel Tobera Dlla148pn283